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Pokies Free Venues
Let’s Work Together
The Alliance has created a community poker machine free pub and club map. ​The Alliance's Community map celebrates the spirit of social connection in safe and supportive environments. Let's come together to promote poker machine free pubs and clubs across the country making a positive impact on our communities. Together, we can make a difference!
Share your favourite gambling free pubs and clubs!
Help us build a comprehensive map of poker machine free pubs and clubs! If you know of any establishments that have chosen not to support poker machines, we encourage you to let us know. You can nominate a venue by providing their details for inclusion on our map. By adding these venues to our map, we can collectively support their decision and encourage others to follow suit. Help us promote the poker machine free map by sharing it with your friends, family, and social circles, generating a positive impact together.
Benefits of Poker Machine-Free Pubs
1. Social Wellbeing: Encourages meaningful human connections, promoting a sense of community among patrons.
2. Family-Friendly Atmosphere: Families can feel comfortable visiting poker machine free venues, creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.
3. Supporting Local Business: By celebrating and patronising these venues you're supporting businesses that prioritise community wellbeing over gambling revenue